Landlords have only 2 months left to become compliant

Landlords have only 2 months left to become compliant

As of 1st April, landlords will not be able to let properties with an EPC rating of F or G, under new Minimum Energy Performance Standards legislation. As a landlord, you’re probably tired of hearing about the Minimum Energy Performance Standard Legalisation (MEPS)...
Does your business qualify for ESOS?

Does your business qualify for ESOS?

You may have started to hear the word ESOS a lot recently – but do you know what it means for you?  What is ESOS? ESOS is a UK legislation which mandates nearly 10,000 organisations in the UK to audit their estate in order to establish opportunities for savings...
Are businesses ready for a decarbonised future?

Are businesses ready for a decarbonised future?

According to research conducted by Schneider Electric, many businesses are not taking the necessary steps to become energy efficient.   Schneider Electric conducted a survey which was completed by 236 energy and sustainability professionals representing various...
Everything you need to know about ESOS

Everything you need to know about ESOS

As an Energy Consultancy, we get asked many questions about Energy Legislation and what it means for you! Today’s Blog features those that we are “frequently asked” about the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme – here is everything you need to know. The Energy Savings...
Scotland unveils £60m for low-carbon projects

Scotland unveils £60m for low-carbon projects

Business across Scotland can now apply for funding for low carbon infrastructure projects, after the Government launches a £60m fund. Businesses can apply for up to £100,000 of funding for projects which deliver low cost carbon heating solutions, integrated energy...
‘No cost’ financing MEPS exemption could be eliminated

‘No cost’ financing MEPS exemption could be eliminated

In a consultation published last month, the Government consulted on eliminating the MEPS exemption for landlords unable to access ‘no cost’ financing. From April 2019, Landlords of domestic properties could be required to pay up to £2,500 for energy efficiency...
Are you aware the MEPS exemptions register is now open

Are you aware the MEPS exemptions register is now open

You can now register an exemption against the Minimum Energy Performance Standards legislation on the PRS exemptions register. As of 1 April 2018, the new Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS), also known as Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES)...
Is the Clean Growth Strategy enough to meet UKs carbon targets?

Is the Clean Growth Strategy enough to meet UKs carbon targets?

The Committee on Climate Change warns of “significant gaps” between Government proposals and the carbon emissions reductions required to meet UK targets. The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) have estimated that existing policies set out in the Clean Growth Strategy...
Carbon footprint for Scottish households down by a quarter

Carbon footprint for Scottish households down by a quarter

Households across Scotland have reduced their energy consumption by an average of 25% in eight years, according to analysis by WWF Scotland. In 2009, the Scottish Climate Change Act came into force, WWF Scotland commended the climate change legislation for encouraging...
BEIS reduces forecast for greenhouse gas emissions

BEIS reduces forecast for greenhouse gas emissions

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) have reduced their forecast within the carbon budgets, for UK greenhouse gas emissions. The Government have released their Updated Energy and Emissions Projections report, which contains projections of...