Display Energy Certificate (DEC) FAQ

Display Energy Certificate (DEC) FAQ

What is a Display Energy Certificate (DEC)?

DEC’s show the energy performance of a building. The energy performance is measured on a scale of A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). When a company receives a DEC, they will also receive a recommendation report which suggests how energy consumption can be reduced. This will ensure that the property is more energy efficient.


When is a DEC required?

DEC’s are required for buildings for various reasons. The certificate is required if an organisation’s property

  • Is frequently visited by the public
  • Has a floor area of over 250m squared
  • Is occupied by a public authority


How long is a DEC valid for?

The validation period for this certificate changes depending on the size of a property.

  • For properties that have a floor area of between 250m squared and 1000m squared, the DEC and recommendation report must be renewed every 10 years.
  • If a property is over 1000m squared, the DEC must be renewed every year and the advisory report must be renewed every 7 years.


Are there fines for not having a DEC?

Yes, there are fines. An organisation can be fined up to £1,500 if the organisation’s property does not have a DEC and requires one, or the certificate is not displayed within the public eye.


Compliance365 can help you…

Compliance365 can provide your organisation with a display energy certificate to ensure that you are compliant with the legislation.

For more information, read our web page on DEC’s compliance365.co.uk/legal-compliance/dec/. You can also get in touch with us through email sales@compliance365.co.uk or phone 01924 669940. We are always happy to help.