Does your business qualify for ESOS?

Does your business qualify for ESOS?

You may have started to hear the word ESOS a lot recently – but do you know what it means for you?

 What is ESOS?

ESOS is a UK legislation which mandates nearly 10,000 organisations in the UK to audit their estate in order to establish opportunities for savings in energy.

If your business employs more than 250 employees, OR has a turnover and balance sheet exceeding €50 million and €43 million respectively, then you must comply with the legislation.

ESOS audits have the potential to increase your businesses profitability and competitiveness by identifying savings upto 13.5 times greater than the audits costs which; when implemented, will improve energy efficiency.

How can you become compliant?

Phase 2 of ESOS is now upon us and you can start undertaking your energy audits on your properties, fleet and any industrial processes. You will need to have an ESOS Lead Assessor undertake at least some parts of your audit and sign-off your overall ESOS Assessment once complete. You can then register your compliance with the environmental agency on or before the 5th of December 2019.

5th of December 2019 you say… that sounds like a long way off?

Whilst the 5th of December 2019 may seem too far away to even think about, ESOS phase 1 saw many companies leaving their compliance to the last minute resulting in them struggling to find a Lead Assessor and in some instances incurring fines of upto £90,000. Get a head start today to avoid unnecessary stress and cost closer to the deadline.

If you’re not sure if your company qualifies for the legislation, you can download our free eligibility questionnaire by clicking here.

Or, if you would like any advice on what you can do next to assist with your ESOS compliance, click here to contact us. Alternatively, you could send us an email to