Is the Clean Growth Strategy enough to meet UKs carbon targets?

Is the Clean Growth Strategy enough to meet UKs carbon targets?

The Committee on Climate Change warns of “significant gaps” between Government proposals and the carbon emissions reductions required to meet UK targets.

The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) have estimated that existing policies set out in the Clean Growth Strategy fall short of meeting the fourth and fifth carbon budgets. The Committee recommends that the Government enhances current proposals with extra targets, to ensure emission reduction targets are met in time.

Lord Deben, CCC Chairman said:

“The Clean Growth Strategy is ambitious in its aims to build a thriving low-carbon Britain but ambitions alone are not enough. As it stands, the Strategy does not deliver enough action to meet the UK’s emissions targets in the 2020s and 2030s.”

The Clean Growth Strategy was initially thought to be the plan to put the UK back on track to achieve its compulsory carbon targets, due to the UK being on course to miss the set goals from the mid-2020s onwards.

CCC have called on the government to provide more details on a number of policies such as how the government aims to upgrade the energy efficiency of homes across the UK by 2035 as proposed.

Compliance365 can help you and the government to reduce carbon emissions. We offer services such as Energy Audits, ESOS, MEPS and Greenhouse Gas reporting. Our team of Energy and Carbon Consultants will provide cost-effective solutions to compliance, reducing your emissions and saving you money in energy bills. Contact us today to find out more by clicking here, or sending us an email to